Lutheran Church Missouri Synod
Sharing Christ,
Serving the Community
Thank you for visiting Mount Olive Lutheran Church online.
Our website highlights who we are, how we worship, opportunities for fellowship and community service, community resources, and ways to connect.
Our Mission
We are committed to sharing Christ and serving the community.
We strive to pursue this mission through studying the Word of God and growing in our knowledge of our Savior. We also serve our community through various ministry outreach opportunities within the church and community.
Connect with us
Worship Service
10:00 AM
On Campus &
Facebook Live
Bible Study
Sunday School
7:30AM Saturday Men's Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
9:30AM Ladies' Bible Study in the Fellowship Hall
Current Study: The Letter of Paul to the Romans
9-9:45 AM Adult Study and Sunday School
in the Annex
Special Services
Advent and Christmas Service schedules are coming soon
Online bible Study
vacation Bible school
We'll see you in Summer of 2023!
Online Giving
Mt. Olive is now offering a safe and convenient way to make your stewardship commitments. Joyful Response, provided by Lutheran Church Extension Fund, is an electronic payment program that allows you to faithfully steward your financial resources. If you would like to use this method of giving, click the link above.